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Former Costa Rican player is imprisoned for international criminal activity in Costa Rica

Owen Hanson (nicknamed Odogo) seems to have provided everything for him. He was obviously taken to a good family and eventually became a member of the USC football team. However, Hansen’s greed apparently took over him and he became Leaders The US Department of Justice defines it as “violent extortion”.

As early as December 2017, Hanson was sentenced to 255 months (21 years) of imprisonment and lifelong supervision released to lead international drug trafficking, gambling and money laundering companies operating in the United States, Central and South America, and Australia from 2012 to 2016. year.

The press release of the Southern California Prosecutor’s Office explained:

“According to court records, ODOG has sold thousands of kilograms of cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine, ecstasy (also known as “ecstasy”), marijuana, anabolic steroids and human growth hormone (“HGH”). As Hanson acknowledged, ODOG’s drug operations routinely distribute controlled substances at wholesale Christmas costumes and retail levels, including the sale of performance-enhancing drugs to many professionals, and the organization has also launched a large-scale illegal gambling campaign with a focus on high-stakes sports events. Companies use mandatory threats and violence against their gambling and drug customers to enforce compliance. At the hearing, a special victim was described in detail. They described in detail how Hanson sent DVDs to the victims and the victim’s wife. The victim’s wife sent a dagger to collect debts, as well as photos of family tombstones where the victim was desecrated.”

In addition to Hansen, another 21 conspirators pleaded guilty.

The 35-year-old Hanson runs the gambling business in Central and South America. Obviously, one of his main operations is in Costa Rica. U.S. authorities have discovered that a large number of banks from Costa Rica have transferred to Mexico.

According to Hanson’s statement, some of his drug trafficking activities also broke into Canada, Panama, Costa Rica, Mexico, and even Australia and Italy.

In addition to serving more than 21 years, Hansen was also sentenced to pay criminal confiscation in an amount of 5 million U.S. dollars, including gold and silver coins, 100,000 U.S. dollars, Porsche Panamera, two Range Range Rovers, luxury watches, residential homes in Costa Rica, Peru, and Cabo San Cabo San Lucas, a sailing boat and a number of corporate interests.

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